Can You Have Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nail infections are quite common infections of the toenails or fingernails which will cause the nail to turn yellow, thick, discolored and possibly break and crumble. Such infections are much more common in fingernails than in fingernails. The technical name for such an infection is onychomycosis, which is the medical term for a fungal nail infection. Fungal nail infections can have many causes; some of them include nail trauma (e.g., cuticle or fingernail injuries), toenail diseases, and diabetes. Nail injuries, especially cuts, scratches and scrapes can allow fungi to invade the nails and start growing there.

fungal nail

As with any type of treatment, it is best to start with natural home remedies first. A simple cure, like tea tree oil diluted in water can be applied directly to the infected nail. It has antiseptic and antifungal properties, which will encourage the growth of healthy nail cells. If you have more severe infection, you can seek medical advice from your doctor. There are also prescription treatments available from your pharmacist or doctor’s office.

In order to help prevent fungus infections from spreading, keep your nails trimmed neatly. Trim your nails regularly so the area stays clean and healthy. Cuticles should also be kept short to allow air to circulate easily. Do not walk around barefoot because barefoot allows the fungus to get a foothold. Fungi that typically live under rocks and logs tend to spread easily in damp places where people usually wear shoes.

To keep your nails from getting infected, improve your immune system. Start with a good diet that has plenty of vitamin C, B and E. Drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day is helpful as well. Increasing your intake of garlic (freshly cut) or taking supplements of these nutrients may also help prevent infection.

Many people with diabetes develop an infection in their fingers or toes because they do not properly regulate their blood sugar levels. High levels of insulin in the bloodstream cause your skin to thicken. When this happens, it becomes a very attractive home for bacteria. One way to treat this is to stay away from the public swimming pools during these times. The water could be contaminated with other people’s skin and bacteria causing a fungal infection.

Fungal nail removal is easier than you think if you find a treatment that works for your particular type of infection. Consult a dermatologist, who will be able to diagnose the problem for you and recommend a course of treatment. The longer you wait to treat an infection, the worse it will become and the harder it will be to get rid of.